Friday, September 28, 2007

If She Backs Out, The Dog Gets It

Once again, I'm at my friend Larue's home and once again: 1. she is sewing costumes (this time for her daughter), 2. her husband has just fed us a lovely meal, and 3. she's grousing at me. This time she's announced that perhaps she will NOT attend the Ren Fest for a second time this year on Sunday, even though she SWORE to me she'd go. So, if she backs out on me for any reason besides the weather (it is supposed to rain), I'm going to steal her dog, who loves me better anyhow. So there.

Now that I'm back amongst the living after a particularily NASTY head cold, I'm ready to talk to y'all about steals and deals, cuz' that's how I roll. With my homies.

Larue has made a fascinating home repair discovery - you can get FREE PAINT, say it with me now, FREE PAINT at Hirshfield's. This free paint is created when the store mixes up a custom color, the color doesn't match like it's supposed to, and the customer returns it. Thus creating unwanted, unloved and unappreciated free paint. Which, Larue tells me, is of excellent quality. She picked up one and 1/2 gallons of a lovely mocha color, and proceeded to paint her bathroom and bedroom. In one day. ONE DAY. Cuz' that's how she rolls.

Several friends of mine have discovered the joy that is Steve & Barry's - home of inexpensive sportswear and basics. If you haven't yet done so, check out Bitten, SJP's line of lovely items under $20. I plan to try out her skinny jeans now that I finally lost 5 pounds of big-ass booty fat. Off my big-ass booty.

My friend HaC has long and loud expressed her love of, and RIGHT NOW they are offering FREE shipping if you spend $50 or more. Usually you have to spend $70 or more, so there you go. $20 savings. Rock on, and get some cute(sy) shoes.

My Ma just called to give me the horrid news that it will be raining all day on Sunday. And when Ma predicts the weather, she is always correct. She's like a weather idiot savant, minus the idiot part. So, I guess I'll be posting the ONE picture I have of me in my costume, after I do some judicious cropping to protect the innocent (my friends) from unwanted online exposure. I know, I see you shiver with antici........(say it, say it!!!) pation. I heart the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Anonymous said...

You look swell in that obviously high-quality and finely made garment. Surely your seamstress is a genius. Ahem.

I have a perfectly good reason for not going on Sunday - my husband needs a break. And he would probably be thrilled if you took the dog. Even for a weekend furlough.

You need to have a Halloween party and wear the outfit again. Or another one. Its not like I'm not busy sewing outfits or anything. I can squeeze you in.

And the free paint ROCKS.

Anonymous said...

Technically, she backed out because of your Mom's prediction, not the rain itself. I think you're obligated to take the dog.

The Cheap Chick said...

Wait a MINUTE. We agreed to go if it doesn't rain, and cancel if it does. So there will be no backing out unless it RAINS. Got it????? Missy????

Anonymous said...

I got five, count 'em, five pairs of shoes from Cutesy shoes for $50!!!! Two of them are gifts for the Cheap Chick, but three are for me (although it was all I could do not to keep them all - I'm kind of a shoe junkie). I haven't gotten them yet, but I'll keep you posted (since I know you're waiting with bated breath to hear of their fabulousness).